Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cup of Tea anyone?

I'm sitting here with a nice warm cup of tea (herbal) and trying to get all of the thoughts out of my head so that I might be able to sleep. Today has been a little strange. My husband is losing his job at the end of March and things are so uncertain.

I am truly grateful though. A dear friend of mine has been at the hospital with her son for a few days and will be there a few more. You see he was shot in the chest with a small calliber gun and I was unaware of this, but the smaller the calliber the worse the damage because the bullet ricochets inside the body like a pinball machine. The bullet landed and lodged itself in his spine. At this point they can't tell if he will ever be able to walk again.

I am keeping the family in my prayers as I hope that you will too. I just realize how much I have to be grateful for. I have Faith today in my Heavenly Father, that no matter what happens from this point forward, We will be alright. I am going to go meditate now and let go. Have a wonderful night all and thank you for letting me share!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that your friend's son will be okay. Whenever I think that I have problems, I stop and remember that I am very lucky and thankful to be where I am today.
